Sunday, July 26, 2009

140 Concerns

Hi Guys,

Just wanted to address some concerns a couple of people have had with regard to the list not filling up as quickly as expected. It's now been over a month since we shot our footage and yes, I'm still waiting for a substantial chunk of clips!

But don't worry! Head on over the 140 FAQ page, the names now in BLUE have confirmed that their clips are on the way. Those still in black have not got back to me yet, but I'm sure they will and I will continue to send out reminders to the turtles... as one filmmaker put it this week!

There is a chance I wont get all the clips in. It's possible some filmmakers may have forgotten, may not have followed me on twitter as outlined, may have missed the updates here and on the FAQ page, may not have joined my facebook group, may have slipped through the cracks on the mailing list, and missed out on all the press... there was only so much I could do to keep people informed! But hopefully there are not too many of those people!

If however any of the filmmakers on the list disappear from the face of the earth and prove impossible to get hold of, don't worry - you'll be glad to know I had back-ups in place. Filmmakers who were willing to film footage without guarantee of a place in the finished film. Thanks to them.

But if we still don't reach the 140 target, I'm not worried at all. It was part of the risk, it's life! Some people have expressed concern of the film being a failure if that happens. I don't think that's true at all. I think the film is already a success. The fact that we got together at all, with the belief you had in this project, and filmed simultaneously across the world, is what the film was about for me. It's getting back to what connects to our homes and really thinking about it, being a part of it, and making an effort to show the rest of the world that makes this a success. The film will be a testament to that, and not just a semantical thing of numbers and times.

Let me allay your fears further by telling you the 80+ clips I have in so far are great and there's a film there already. There are more clips winging there way here as I type. I have not given up hope that all of the 140 will arrive. As with everything in life unexpected things crop up and plans get pushed aside. I know many of the filmmakers were working on other projects that were more pressing then getting their footage uploaded and sent, which is fine, I know I'll get the footage when it's possible for them to get it here.

So don't worry. 140 is still on track and it's looking good.


grayhardeman said...

Good luck, Frank -- looking forward to seeing the final project!!
-Gray Chapman

Frank W. Kelly said...

Thanks Gray! Will keep you posted on the progress.

Victoria Charters said...

Hear hear from your Californian turtle!