The crowd were great, very generous with their time and their comments. Most people seemed to really like, with one or two issues, again stuff, that as a first draft, will need to be looked at. Again I think it's a script that you either get or you don't, the people who did rally connected with it, really like it and were on our wave length, understood where we were coming from and even compared it to films we talked about a lot while making it, Get Carter, No Country For Old Men and the like, which was really nice. The people who didn't seem to get it again I felt like they wanted it to be a different film. It's a very specific genre piece, so I understand that.
But the night was great, 5:30 to 10:30, so 5 hours! Wow! Didn't feel like that at all, flew by. I said it after the Ghoster reading back in January, the Attic is a fantastic thing, great people doing brilliant work and creating a secure and creative environment to take work in progress and help in the building of it. For us writers it's tough sending our work into the world, especially before it's finished, so many people are all to ready and willing to shoot it down, smash up and tear it apart. But the Attic provides an environment that nurtures rather then destroys. There are other institutes in the country that could learn a thing or two from them.
My thanks to the cast tonight, they did a fantastic job. And very special thanks to Camille, who organised the night and assembled everyone... and made us tea! Awesome as always! My thanks to the audience for coming out on such a miserable night and for all the feedback, it's really going to help us on the journey to getting this film made.
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